hi all
i hope you enjoyed the last beer event. thanks to venty for organizing :)
so, now i'm back from southamerica and i brought you some sun from down
there (sorry, sun had off yesterday ,-)). and since it's getting warmer
we're moving a little bit in direction to the lake.
unfortunately it's a little bit too cold outside to head back to the "pumpi"
but we'll see next month...
so, well, have a look to the next event:
Date: 11th of April 2005
Time: starting around 18.30 o'clock
[View More] @ the "Outback" Bahnhof Stadelhofen
Registration deadline: 11.04.2005 09:00:00
Link for registration http://swinog.mrmouse.ch/
Important: If someone cannot find us: call me on my handy: 079 / 277 92 35
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Sure ? ;)
-----Original Message-----
From: swinog-bounces(a)lists.swinog.ch [mailto:swinog-bounces@lists.swinog.ch]
On Behalf Of Xaver Aerni
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 7:02 PM
To: swinog(a)swinog.ch
Subject: AW: [swinog] finally faster Internet
This ist a 1st April Joke...
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: swinog-bounces(a)lists.swinog.ch
[mailto:swinog-bounces@lists.swinog.ch]Im Auftrag von Fredy Kuenzler
Gesendet: Freitag, 1. April 2005 18:39
An: swinog(a)swinog.ch
[View More]Betreff: [swinog] finally faster Internet
http://www.pctipp.ch/webnews/wn/29981.asp !
swinog mailing list
swinog mailing list
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New Website: Open Root Server Network (ORSN) is online now at:
http://www.orsn.org/ - The Independent DNS Solution with IPv6 support
for the European Community.
On this page you can find the current operational status of our root
server systems and some additional information about the ORSN project.
Operator of the ORSN Root Server H
Je suis absent du bureau j'usqu'au 11 Avril 2005 inclus.
Pour des informations ou des demandes veuillez envoyer un E-mail à hostmaster(a)infomaniak.ch.
I am out of office till 11 avril 2005 included.
For informations or requests, please, contact :
Infomaniak Network SA
Natalio Cano
Network Administrator
Phone: +41 228203545
Fax: +41 228203546
Email: natalio(a)infomaniak.ch
Hi all,
I see 9 BGP sessions down at CIXP at the same time (today @ 11h57).
Anybody have info about problems there (public switch, power outage, etc..) ?
A customer of ours has found his server blacklisted. He tried
everything, mailing to abuse(a)highspeed.ch etc, he called the
hotline. As usual, cablecom is not very responsable.
Has someone a contact adresse (phone etc.) for me so I can
solve this issue ?
Please contact me off-list.
Martin Blapp, <mb(a)imp.ch> <mbr(a)FreeBSD.org>
ImproWare AG, UNIXSP & ISP, Zurlindenstrasse 29, 4133 Pratteln, CH
[View More]Phone: +41 61 826 93 00 Fax: +41 61 826 93 01
PGP: <finger -l mbr(a)freebsd.org>
PGP Fingerprint: B434 53FC C87C FE7B 0A18 B84C 8686 EF22 D300 551E
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