> I don't think it's stupid. With a 56k modem you don't have
> any MB included at all, and you pay for traffic. Yes, you
> also pay when you install Windows Updates, McAfee updates or
> whatever. But if I were a "non-techie", I'd still prefer ADSL
> 150/50 instead of a 56k modem - because it's faster! *duh*
ok, for the speed: it's 3 times faster .. (ow..is that slow -,))
but is it really cheaper?
let's calculate a little bit:
20MB costs the user at least 10.- per month (that he has to switch his
telephone to sunrise is another thing).
a 56k modem reaches about 7kb/sec. so 20Mb takes about 48 Minutes to
download. 1 hour by phone costs something CHF 2.80.
i know, its a little bit comparing apples with pears... but at the end:
- the user can download faster (ok, it takes hime 16 minutes...)
- pays around 10x more ...
the user should enjoy a good coffee during that download - which he can
of course afford because he saved some money ;-)
> Why does everything need to do Swisscom-bashing as a principle?
it'snot swisscom bashing (ok, maybe a little bit): but the pricing we
have to pay to swisscom is far away from good and bad. it seems that
they took a pricelist from 1998 or so for this service... pfft...