well, i think RSS is quite a standard and there are possibilities to
provide the swinog mailinglist also as RSS feed..
but anyway, a forum/blog is the wrong way... mail should be still the
way of communication for swinog members ,-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: swinog-bounces(a)lists.swinog.ch
> [mailto:swinog-bounces@lists.swinog.ch] On Behalf Of Xaver Aerni
> Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:23 AM
> To: swinog(a)swinog.ch
> Subject: Re: [swinog] Reading list as RSS feed
> think to install an RSS Client is in different offices is a
> Problem. If we make a change is a Forum (or new called Blogg)
> the beter idea. But you must check what is in the future the
> best way. I think some people uesing Handshields or Mobiles
> for reading the list...
> I don't konw if in future are RSS Reader avable for this products.
> Greetings
> Xaver
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tonnerre LOMBARD" <tonnerre(a)bsdprojects.net>
> To: "Glogger Steven" <S.Glogger(a)cybernet.ch>
> Cc: <swinog(a)swinog.ch>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 9:38 AM
> Subject: Re: [swinog] Reading list as RSS feed
> > _______________________________________________
> > swinog mailing list
> > swinog(a)lists.swinog.ch
> > http://lists.swinog.ch/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/swinog
> >
> _______________________________________________
> swinog mailing list
> swinog(a)lists.swinog.ch
> http://lists.swinog.ch/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/swinog
imagine this imaginary conversation with an ISP help desk:
helpdesk: "good day sir. how can i help you?"
customer: "help - my internet and my ADSL line is not working anymore."
helpdesk: "does your phone is working?"
customer: "no, not at all - i'm calling you from my mobile."
helpdesk: "did you checked the cablings? is the plug inserted correct in the walljack?"
... 2minutes of rümschelrümschel... we hear an 'outch' - seems the customer banged his head against the table or so...
customer: "<little bit dizzy>yes, i've taken it out and plugged back in - but still no signal"
helpdesk: "hmm.. let me check your line - " ... <tiptiptip> ... "yes, i dont see any signal on our side - it could be that you have a psysical access problem"
customer: "no, i'm not challenged!!!"
helpdesk: "i mean that your physical line of the t-e-l-e-p-h-o-n-e might be interrupted / broken somewhere. you know, the thin cable ..."
customer: "what should i do? call an electrician?"
helpdesk: "no, we will open a ticket at <put in your favorite last mile provider or:> the local telco".
... some days later ...
helpdesk: "good day sir. we've got now feedback from the local telco company. your line should be fixed within the next days"
customer: "what is it?"
helpdesk: "lets call it problem with the last mile access..."
customer: "... which means?...."
helpdesk: "well... it seems that someone stole your wire?"
customer: "sorry, i'm disturbed.. he stole what??"
helpdesk: "as you might have heard the price increase for copper has lead some criminals to pick exiting copper lines which are digged in the street... some made a fortune with copper lines..:"
customer: "this would explain why my electrian had to put in new electrical-cables - they might have disappeared some days ago... i had no power at all... "
customer: "... and my internet was not working ... thats why i called you"
helpdesk: <speakless>
otherwise..please refer to "the internet help desk" (old but always good :))
ps: plz reserve in your agenda the 17th of july - next ZH beer event will be planned for this date :)
will this be the new business model after upgrading mostly to fiber?
"we sell copper" does get a double meaning :)
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-nanog(a)merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu] On Behalf Of
Sean Donelan
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 10:42 PM
To: nanog(a)merit.edu
Subject: Copper thefts in california
In addition to the traditional backhoe threat, as the price of copper
increased so has the threat of people stealing telephone trunk cables
containing copper wire.
Since Jan. 1, there have been 148 reports of copper wire theft in San
Bernardino County, said sheriff's spokeswoman Jodi Miller.
Per pound, the metal has risen in price from about 70 cents in July
to $3.60 this month, according to Kitco Inc., an international
of precious metals.
Anyone with information on the Verizon theft may call the Verizon
Security Control Center, 1-800-997-3287. For the AT&T thefts, people
may call
security at (213) 633-2558 or (213) 633-2405. People with information
copper thefts may also contact their local law enforcement agencies.
probably swisscom/andré will update their filter stuff, not? :)
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-nanog(a)merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu] On Behalf Of leo vegoda
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 1:51 PM
To: Address Policy WG; routing-wg(a)ripe.net
Cc: nanog(a)merit.edu; afnog(a)afnog.org; sanog(a)sanog.org; uknof(a)ukif.org.uk; nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz
Subject: 91.192/10 to be used for PI assignments to End Users
Dear Colleagues,
At recent RIPE Meetings, we have reported a steady rise in requests from our members for Provider Independent (PI) address space for End User networks. We have reclaimed and recycled space from closed Local Internet Registries to meet this demand, but we are nearing the point where the available PI space will run out.
In the past, we made PI assignments from former Class C space (193/8 and 194/7). Because of the increasing demand for PI space, we made sure that we would be able to use some of our most recent allocation of address space to meet future requests. We have designated 91.192/10 for PI assignments to End User networks.
When the former Class C space is exhausted, we will start to make PI assignments from 91.192/10. We will let you know when this happens. We are announcing a pilot prefix using the RIS beacons, you may want to update any filters that you have in place.
The RIS beacons are announcing the following networks:
You can ping Full details of reachable IP addresses and tools are available on our web site at:
leo vegoda
Registration Services Manager
Hi folks,
last Saturday our son - Leon - was born.
He had a weight of 3460 g and a size of 50 cm.
If you are interrested, have a look at his gallery which will be updated regulary.
On some mail servers under my (co-)responsability, the
DSBL blacklist is used on smtp-server level to try to fight a
little bit against spam.
Problem: some customers online via gprs are unable to send mails
over these servers, because their external visible IP adress
(gprs01.swisscom-mobile.ch: is blacklisted on
several lists:
We asked swisscom why they don't try to get away from
these lists, but the answer is that we should rather whitelist
them: "Die grösseren Schweizer Internet Service Anbieter
haben sich vielmehr darauf geeinigt, die IP Nummern von
Zugangsanbietern wie Swisscom Mobile auf ihre WhiteList zu
Do you think it's the correct way to react? :)
Delisting from dsbl.org wouldn't work anyway, at least
until abuse or postmaster adresses are created:
>Final-Recipient: rfc822;abuse(a)swisscom-mobile.ch
>Action: failed
>Final-Recipient: rfc822;postmaster(a)swisscom-mobile.ch
>Action: failed
General question: are you (the postmasters around) using
blacklists like dsbl or spamhaus directely on smtp-level
(directely rejecting the mails from listed IP's) or only
after (like in spamassassin & co.) ?
Olivier Müller - PGP key ID: 0x0E84D2EA - Switzerland
hi all,
We're looking for an experienced UNIX Administrator/Support engineer.
The tasks include to maintain internet and network applications on
approximately 20 servers, install and maintain new servers,
and to provide 2nd and 3d level support to our customers.
The candidate should be able to show a good knowledge of general Unix
administration. Experience with Solaris and Linux is welcome, but is
not a requirement. Knowledge of network applications and protocols,
such as email, web, dns, etc. is necessary. Perl and bourne shell
scripting experience is desired.
Knowledge of IP routing and switching basics is a plus too.
The candidate will have to work autonomously, find the answers and
solutions on his(her) own, be ready to work under pressure and under
time constraints.
The requirement is a Swiss or EU citizenship and fluent German and English.
Fluent French is a plus.
The office is located in Schlieren, in approximately 30 minutes from
Zurich HB, or 5 minutes by bus from Zurich-Altstetten station.
Please feel free to contact me, as given below.
Stanislav Sinyagin
Senior System Engineer
CCIE #5478
GPS Technik AG
Zuercherstrasse 139
CH-8952 Schlieren
Tel : +41 (0)44 732 99 53
Fax : +41 (0)44 731 18 40
Mobile: +41 (0)79 407 02 24
mail : s.sinyagin(a)gpstechnik.ch
www : http://www.gpstechnik.ch
Hash: RIPEMD160
Any Dataway people around ? Please contact me offlist.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.4 (FreeBSD)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
ehlo (o;
Anybody of you using xorp in a production environment?
Any figures regarding stability and resource usage
on fbsd/netbsd platforms?