Hello Fredy
Would this be an opportunity for you?
Am 14.10.2010 09:24, schrieb Radek Mrskos:
Would this be an opportunity for you?
No, I don't qualify:
"Sie besitzen einen juristischen Hochschulabschluss und insbesondere gute Kenntnisse im Datenschutz- sowie im Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht."
As a member of the city parlament of Winterthur, which is the election committee, it would not be possible to vote for myself...
Some insight on this job: it was actually quite a bit of work in the commission to make this position independent again from the general administration of the city of Winterthur. I'm looking forward to work on the level of the parlament with someone competent which understands the issues of todays data protection. To those in this list with juristic background: please apply for the job :-)
Best regards, Fredy Künzler