Thank you for clarification in fact we have around 500 mails waiting to be delivered to @tele2.ch Addresses. Maybe sunrise should either accept those mails and create proper DSNs or make a public statement that tele2.ch addresses are not longer supported...
Kind regards, Stefan
On 05/23/2012 04:43 PM, Tele2 DNS Registry wrote:
Dear Mr van Pelt and Mr Rothenbuehler,
Tele2 has sold its Swiss subsidiary Econophone to Sunrise in 2008 and are not providing any services in the country anymore. We are just protecting our trademark by holding the domain tele2.ch. We do not have any recipients for mail in Switzerland, thus we do not have any use for mx record in the zone file.
Med Vänlig Hälsning/Best Regards Eva DNS Registry Tele2 Sverige AB
-------------- Swedish IP Network ------------------------ Tele2 Sverige AB Tel: +46 8 5626 4008 Box 62 Fax: +46 8 5626 4210 164 94 Kista Email: hostmaster@tele2.com Sweden http://www.tele2.se/
Pim van Pelt skrev 2012-05-23 16:24:
On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 3:58 PM, Stefan Rothenbuehler stefan_rothenbuehler@bluewin.ch wrote:
Hello List
We're having trouble delivering mail to tele2.ch. Their MX record seem to be gone. Did they stop working?
It is broken, I can confirm from my site:
A, AAAA, and MX for tele2.ch are all NXDOMAIN. Strangely the serial of tele2.ch is 2012010201. Adding registry@swip.net as per their RP record.
groet, Pim