On 26.02.2009, at 11:27, Stanislav Sinyagin wrote:
From: Andreas Fink afink@list.fink.org
Windows XP is end of life... forgot?
so what? 50 to 80% of users still use it. On 2-4 years old hardware. Try telling them that they have to buy new computers :)
why do you care ? They simply stay on IPv4. If they have vista, they can profit of IPv6. Nobody asks to REPLACE IPv4 with IPv6. Its a migration. And you gotta start sometime with it.
tell it to Swisscom/Sunrise/Cablecom -- or just any real ISP with real private users :-)
Believe me. As I've been an ISP since 1994 in the early days where you had to tell people how to configure Trumpet Winsock on windows 3.11, I know very well that support IS a hassle. If you get it right however, you get very loyal customers long term. Swisscom / Sunrise / Cablecom are not the best examples in this even though Swisscom has improved lately, Cablecom is still far away from customer friendly in my eyes. But they have the de facto "monopoly" on cable internet. So often customers have no choice and get abused because of that.
For what its worth my router tells me this:
IPv6 routes: 1'577 entries, 1'194 AS numbers IPv4 routes: 274'504 Ientries, 30'488 AS numbers
If the wold would be all IPv6, our routers would need 10 times less memory ;-)