Am 07.10.08 14:33 schrieb "Jeroen Massar" unter jeroen@unfix.org:
Better then to pay the closed source folks and let them do it, as they will also maintain the changes for yo.
Each day I work with Open Source and Closed Source tools and applications. Usually I see commercial software coming with a better usability and OpenSource with better stability and performance.
The major advantage for OpenSource is the visibility of the code - no code monkey is able to hide 20 years old buggy crap when he needs to provide the sources. Believe me, this is a great motivation for a lot of coders out there ;-)
Even more, when you pay licenses host or by CPU, which means today _per_core_, why should a commercial software supplier optimize their binaries? Even simple tasks like using a commercial compiler instead of gcc, which gives 10-100% additional performance, is often not done as the compiler costs $1000 extra - compare this with the several hundred thousends the scoftware company usually earns per year...