ImproWare AG ist operating the free of charge SWINOG rbl DNS Servers for those zones:
dnsrbl.swinog.ch dnswl.swinog.ch uribl.swinog.ch uriwl.swinog.ch
Some of the secondary servers offered in the past have stopped operation.
I'm looking for one or two new secondary DNS Servers for the zones above to spread the load and provide higher reliability.
If we could also put our own specialized rbl zones there, that would be great.
spamrbl.imp.ch wormrbl.imp.ch
The actual query rate can be seen under: http://rblns.imp.ch/cgi-bin/bindgraph.cgi
The server should be able to handle frequent ixfr updates. The zonefiles are not too large (<50MB at the moment).
We use bind 9.6.ESV.R1.
Please contact me off-list if interrested.
Benoit Panizzon