On Sat, 22 Aug 2020 09:28:25 Marc SCHAEFER schaefer@alphanet.ch wrote:
NB: I have no idea if Rocket Mountain AG, Rocket Leads AG and Christian Huldi has any link with rocketmails.ch, however both were hosted at hosttech GmbH which basically told me they wouldn't do anything, and told me to contact the customer: I did that, and got absolutely no reply in the last three weeks.
I sent an "Auskunftsbegehren" regarding Spam to the Whois address of rocketsmails.ch in 2018, and I got a first answer by mail (from rocketleads.ch) and later by written letter (after I send them a second registered mail) from the Company Rocket Mails AG. Therefore, I can confirm that rocketleads.ch and Rocket Mails AG are the same company or had the same owners at that time. Back then, they told me that the got the mail address from a third party, to which I had consent into receiving advertisements. I could not confirm or deny that claim, and therefor I didn't take further steps, other than sending a letter to the third party, which did not answer. The relevant part of the letter from Rocket Mails AG was as follows:
Die Firma Rocket Mails AG fungiert als sogenannter Listbroker, das heisst; wir nutzen Daten von Dritten (Listeignern), welche die Daten erhoben haben und über das Werbeeinverständnis verfügen. Die vorangehend genannten Daten (Personendaten und E-Mail Adresse) stammen aus folgender Quelle:
Für weitere Informationen (Art der Einwilligung, IP-Adresse und Timestamp) bitten wir Sie, sich direkt beim Listeigner (Dateneigentümmer und Inhaber des Werbeeinverständnisses) zu melden. Nachfolgend dürfen wir Ihnen die Kontaktdaten zukommen lassen: