There is a 'small' problem with this. AOL uses SPFv1, while Microsoft is pushing "SPFv2", which is not really SPFv2, but their own version of the thing which clashes with the real SPFv1 ( one) also called classic and that is the one people have been deploying the last 2 years, not the one with the PRA checks.
The problem here is that Mickeysofts version of SPF breaks all SPFv1 installations....
The IESG has apparently given both drafts (SPFv1 + Sender-ID/SPFv2) the chance to go to experimental RFC.
OK, maybe I talked to fast, or wrote without thinking too much. I completely oversaw the license issue and the fact that their sender ID stuff is breaking the currently used SPFv1.
I'll have to look deeper into the issue. Meanwhile I signed the openspf position.