On Friday 30 January 2009, Peter Keel wrote: [ISO]
"Thou shalt not design protocols by commitee".
Or mapped to the current issue:
"Security cannot be declared, one can only try hard and constantly to implement it."
This is what many, many people don't understand. Especially those whit lack of technical knowledge, which then poorly have to fall back to say "but its illegal".
For example see the award winning statemant of the DECT Forum after it was discovered that most DECT phones can easly be wiretapped:
"Das DECT Forum, der internationale Verband der Home-Communication-Industrie, hält das Abhörisiko aufgrund der entdeckten Schwachstellen in der Kommunikation von Mobilteilen mit der Basisstation für gering. Das leitet das DECT Forum daraus ab, dass das Abhören von Telefongesprächen eine Straftat darstelle und es nicht möglich sei, Telefongespräche zufällig abzuhören."
I don't think that this statement makes anybody feel safer.
Poore one if this statement is ones only answer.