On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 08:40:39AM +0100, Jeroen Massar wrote:
Mail server admin can do a SPF check (or have a list of allowed source email domains) before outbound and reject forwarding these emails.
I read this and I wonder "which of the MTAs out there can do that" - that is, check SPF (and others) for outgoing mails.
"Blaiming all on the MTA operator" isn't totally reasonable either - you might have a totally valid configuration, and then someone whose mail you legitimately sent before (either forward rules that had no conflicting SPF yet, or your server was listed, or...) changes *their* SPF stuff, making *your* MTA noncompliant.
Is this an error? Yes, surely.
Is the MTA operator to blaim for it? Possibly sometimes, but certainly not "always, and solely".
Gert Doering -- NetMaster