Hi Pim,
First, I'm thinking that 16 hours and 2 (other) guys for 3 servers and some network devices looks a bit heavy.
Maybe that's what they are counting for the time spent for those two guys.
My point of view is that if they act like that after a long work period, it might be a place/company to avoid.
However if you don't have pending bills, I don't see why they are charging you for extraction, that's really non sense.
On 11/13/11 11:19 PM, Pim van Pelt wrote:
An ISP that I have had a ~4y relationship with has recently terminated the hosting for a small number of servers (3x 1U machine and a switch and a console server). For a while they were not able to return my equipment to me, but now they have sent me a friendly letter asking me to pay a significant sum of money (to the tune of 4000 CHF) extraction fee, and that I must accompany two engineers on-site for about 16 hours to safely remove the equipment. Is it common for swiss companies to terminate agreements and then send an invoice for returning the property?
Feel free to drop me a note off-list.