Sorry to poke my head in, but you're missing something fundamental--it's not bribery. It's fear-- there's an old corporate saying that "nobody ever got fired for hiring {IBM,McKinsey,PWC,HP}". I forget exactly which one.
You've probably heard some manager say "with commercial software we have someone to sue"? They'll never actually sue anyone, although I've seen it happen--what the guy's saying is that, if something goes horribly wrong, they can go to their boss and tell him/her "but, it's {IBM,McKinsey,PWC,HP}--they have great references, everyone does it". And not get fired. CYA = cover your ass, cowardly & unimaginative management, that's all it is. Don't read so much evil into it.
Viktor Steinmann wrote:
Uhm... - actually I do work at a large company. Usage of OpenSource is not a question of the company size, but of the company management.
However I understand the managers... OpenSource developers don't invite managers to a weekend in a mountain wellness resort, offer them free drinks at events or give you expensive gifts. Commercial Software companies do it all the time...
Cheers, Viktor
Zitat von Mickey Coggins
I've been wondering for a long time, why Swisscom would rather go with MS
with an open-source based solution. ...
I take it you have never worked for a large company! :-)
-- Mickey Coggins Tel: +41-79-210-3762 _______________________________________________ swinog mailing list
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