Hi Tobias,
If you are looking for VDSL, you have to know that the performance (especially the distance) is not obviously given unless you have a good control on where the copper pair is passing through (noise) and on what is done with the other copper pairs within the cable bundle (cross talking).
As others already mentioned, you better should go for SHDSL modems. There you can be pretty sure that the link will work, even over up to 10-15 km.
By the way, we are producing such SHDSL modems as the Music100 with more than 4'000 units delivered in Switzerland (SBB, private railways, EWs, administrations and of course some ISPs) www.keymile.com -> products -> NTU -> MUSIC100 Just come back to me (off-line) if you need additional information.
Best regards,
François Volery KEYMILE AG Schwarzenburgstrasse 73, CH-3097 Berne-Liebefeld Phone +41 31 377 11 70 Fax +41 31 377 14 35 Mobile +41 79 292 34 64 mailto:francois.volery@keymile.com http://www.keymile.com
Hi list!
We are looking for a set of VDSL-modems to connect a customer. Swisscom is delivering 2-wire-copper (PtP). Which products can be recommended? Is anybody willing to sell 2 modems (or anything suitable for Master-/Slave-operation)?
TIA for hints and/or offers.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Tobias Orlamünde CTO eyes4media GmbH Gaiserwaldstrasse 16a CH-9015 St. Gallen fon +41-71-3141010 fax +41-71-3141019