On Mon, 2007-10-29 at 17:06 +0100, Per Jessen wrote:
Have I missed any really good dedicated server offerings? Any colocation places in or around Zurich you would recommend?
Not at the prices you wrote, the lowest in .ch I found is something around 88.- (+MwSt). In France, there are the Dedibox (but only for French people) and "Kimsufi": for 19EUR/month, but with a Celeron and just 256MB Ram... : I use one of these as secondary nagios/cacti monitoring system, never had a problem.
The situation is the same for webhosting: in Switzerland, most of the basic offers are around 10-15.-/month, or sometimes even around 5.-/mt (still for stuff really hosted in Swiss hosting centers). But in UK, USA or Germany, I saw today offers from Swiss resellers for CHF 10/year (!) with 200MB of diskspace, unlimited transfer-volume (of course), and it's working quite fine according to customers who moved there... What can you do as Swiss ISP against that? Give up like Sunrise did a few days ago ? :->
regards, Olivier