This is public:
its was mentioned on the live potcast in todays episode (not downloadable yet), was tweeted around like mad.
I sent it this morning to a hand full of press contacts. Feel free to forward it to your favorite blogger, journalist etc.
I strongly hope I will not remain the only ISP which makes his voice heard. We are living in a democracy, we have rights of privacy and rights of free speech. USE YOUR RIGHTS. Or as a wise man once said "Either open your mouth or your wallet". My wallet is under constant stress already so I prefer to stand up and say something even under the risk of punishment (which I however consider little, I never signed NDA with EJPD and I don't remember any law saying I'm bound to confidentiality in any way in reading what should be considered law).
Our voices will be heard if we all say the same thing. If you are an ISP, send in your answer. If you are a customer, send in your concerns, talk to your politicians nearby. Discuss it with your friends.
This is not about law enforcement (the law is perfectly ok in my eyes). This is about what the powers the police can get and could be abused without following the law. This is about YOUR privacy, this is also about all the money all the customers will pay because of this and this will not be little.
I strongly recommend to read the CCC document (which is attached in the PDF above) to give you an idea how all this information can be abused.... it will open your eyes.
On 22.07.2009, at 21:12, Radek Mrskos wrote:
Hat schon jemand daran gedacht die Unterlagen öffentlich zu machen (Kassensturz, Beobachter etc.)
Wir reden hier von der "urdemokratischen Schweiz" und "öffentlichen Vernehmlassungen" und diskutieren das selber nur im kleinen Rahmen. wir sollten die "Öffentlichkeit" einweihen, sonst sind wir nicht besser als das EJPD. Mal sehen wie es den Herrn und Frau Schweizer schmeckt wenn sie wissen, dass demnächst ihre Internet-Daten aufgezeichnet werden und das Gesetzt dazu klangheimlich durchgeschleust wird.
Radek Mrskos Email: Baechlerstr. 12 Tel: +41 43 534 40 24 CH-8802 Kilchberg Mob: +41 79 219 68 66 PGP:0x8CB69F6D Fax: +41 86079 2196 866
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