This is probably somewhat off-topic, but some of you guys might have a hint for me. I've been researching the various offers of dedicated hosting in Switzerland, mostly looking at providers listed on Everything I have come across is not only 4-5 times the price of what we're renting right now (at Hetzner in Germany), it is also technically inferior. At Hetzner, the entry level DS3000 is a dual-core 64Bit AMD, 2Gb RAM and 2x400Gb disk. Plus 1Tb transfer-volume/month. This is available at EUR49/month. To get anything remotely similar in Switzerland I have to pay SFr300 or more per month. Given that we would need 4 or 5 such servers, colocation very quickly becomes interesting instead.
Have I missed any really good dedicated server offerings? Any colocation places in or around Zurich you would recommend?
/Per Jessen, Herrliberg