On Monday 04 June 2012 22.18:31 Attila Kinali wrote: Hi Atila
Fill the box with thermally conductive epoxy. No way to get at the data anymore unless you take a lot of time to drill a few holes ... but not too deep! ;-)
A good idea. If you do so, make sure you use slow setting epxoy resin. The reaction usually is exothermal and can produce quite a bit of heat. And its also coupled by a positive feddback loop. The more resin you have in one place, the hotter it gets when setting. The hoter it gets, the faster it will set. The faster ist sets, the more heat is produced :) Slowly setting resin is also of higer viscosity, which makes it to creep deeper into the gaps and holes and develops higher adhesive and cohesive forces, which, to come to an end, makes it harder to get rid of it.
Or you could use an unstable explosive to fill the housing, of course. But this, in turn, might prove to make it harder to find a place to house your box :D
Sorry for loosing focus. Over and out, Michi