Hi Michael,
I hope you don't expect me to award you with the King's cross for doing that. I don't like your reaction. It seems childish to me. This specific behaviour inidcates to me one more time that UCE-pro* is acting out of resigantion (and arrogance?) rather than trying to be usefull. But that again just reflects the impression I got a few years ago.
No i just tried to be helpfull, and it seems to work. Would you preferre that stupid autoresponder had continued the loop up till someone at GPSTECHNIK will stop it?
I guess you would not.
That said i really have no idea what your problem is.
Perhaps you don't know that i took over the UCEPROTECT-Project in June 2007, so if you had any problems with UCEPROTECT some years ago, then you had differences with my predecessor and not with me.
Many things have changed here since i am responsible for the project.
Claus von Wolfhausen UCEPROTECT-Network