Hey that's actually not a bad idea. I'm not a lawyer, but in my mind, making networked computers and similar devices (cell phones with radios?) part of the scope of the Billag thing, they might be creating a legal precedent.
Have any of the ISPs ever thought of actually getting together and saying "hey, guys, we're providing part of this 'service public' if you're going to tax computers on networks as well, so we should get our share of the Billag money"?
A similar question: do the cable tv network providers get any of this money? Just curious. Because what's happening is you're taxing customers of service 'x' with Mwst., then taxing them again with a third party tax which then goes to service 'y' (SF DRS, etc.) Sounds like something for the WeKo :)
Chris Burri wrote:
Futhermore, if receiving streams must be taxed because of "service public", then lille ole Swisserland should start pouring money into ISPs here, pronto! After all, they're the ones *enabling* this "service public".