On Friday 30 January 2009, Michael Krygier wrote:
Thank you all for your feedback. I've received some good suggestions that mention including Swiss penal law StGB Art. 143bis in the banner.
Please help us to protect from citations of law texts tattered all over the walls. The law applies *even* if you don't stick your favourite snippets everywhere. When I returned from the USA to europe I was so glad to no langer have to read on *toilets* that the law forbids to leave the room whithout washing the hands...
When someone with bad intents is seeing this message, he won't care a sh**. The only achievement of all the law citers is to cultivate politically imature citizen unable to bear responsibility for their own.
(Not to mention that you should take rather strong technical than leagal precaution. Otherwise StGB 143bis wont't apply at all...)
If you choose to publish StGB 143bis as a motd, please don't forget to place stickers on all your doors and windows telling that it is forbiden to break in a house, on your car telling that vadalism and theft are illegal and on all street signs that is not allowed to ignore them.
my 5 cents.
Oh yes: And don't forget to add a legal disclaimer to your eail footer. http://aeolus.ch/home/blog.php#Idioten%20Signaturen