I came back from the weekend on Sunday, and discovered that routing was down between Cablecom's Aorta.net and the Level3 network on which a provider of mine is located.
As a Cablecom customer, I would have reported it directly to Cablecom, but they seem to have reorganized away any possibility of reporting technical problems. All I could find is a number that helps me configure my e-mail, and even that closes at 18:00 on Sunday. Hmmm.
From our other provider, who use nexcellent, and get their connectivity via
Level3 from Zürich, there was no connectivity problem. Local connectivity via Cablecom was also not a problem, just routing between Aorta.net Level3's network. Clearly a provider issue.
Ultimately the problem was remedied, but I'd like to know, is there anyway of contacting Cablecom whereby the assumption is other than that the person reporting the problem is a clueless moron? I'd prefer not to have to wait until someone discovers this by happenstance.
Charles Buckley