* Klaus Ethgen Klaus+swinog@Ethgen.de [2015-01-23 18:16:25 +0100]:
Am Fr den 23. Jan 2015 um 15:47 schrieb Oli Schacher:
there is a (incomplete/possibly inaccurate) community generated list here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UWK6ijLCiLXSIuTT4sS_h0zCqPMCjjhry0by...
Hmmm... As all google services, it complains that I have a not supported browser (current Firefox, well Iceweasel). However, At least I can see something. It is just not possible to scroll as google seems to not implement that.
Isn't there a csv version or something like that?
File -> Download as -> csv.
I uploaded it here: http://paste.the-compiler.org/view/raw/04405eee