/cOn Wed, 2005-06-29 at 19:31 +0200, Beat Rubischon wrote:
Am 28.06.05 schrieb Daniel Lorch:
Do you have more information?
This documents were very short and summarized Sender-ID very well:
Thanks for the links.
Indeed nice M$-marketing.
And here is the part which is incompatible with "Classic SPF". The records are the same, but while "Classic SPF" ONLY used them to check the envelope from ("Return-Path"), Sender ID uses the SAME records to check for "From".
I see. Classic mailsetups as I use for my private emails will work. My SPF-record should be working for both aproaches.
If you have any form of forwarding you will have to do SRS to be SPF compliant and indeed this is a hassle.
Complex mailsetups like the one from my employer "ethz.ch" will never ever be compatible with one or both solutions. A wildcard entry will be the solution if Hotmail will continue to follow Sender-Id...
Assuming that the ethz is letting many people simply send outbound mail through their own servers is the current situation. You might want to move away from that and let people use a relay, with smtp auth and ssl as submission at the ethz to do so. This has another advantage, nobody can fake messages being sent as a prof any more ;)
This is compatible with SPF. Note I am not saying that it is compatible with the Sender-ID stuff...
Greets, Jeroen