Is there any chance Swisscom could change these antispam error messages to CLEARLY indidicate they are generated by the Swisscom servers?
If Swisscom customers try to send messages to our customers which may look spammy according to Swisscom's new spam filter, they get errors like this:
<snip> Folgende Empfänger konnten nicht erreicht werden: Fehler bei der SMTP-Kommunikation mit dem E-Mail-Server des Empfängers. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemadministrator. <local exchange hostname> #5.5.0 smtp;554 554 Sie haben versucht ein E-Mail zu verschicken, das Merkmale eines Spam-E-Mails aufweist. Das E-Mail wurde deshalb nicht verschickt. Bitte formulieren Sie Ihre Nachricht persoenlicher oder kontaktieren Sie uns unter 0800 800 800. -- [...] </snip>
This message was sent from an Exchange with static ip but smarthosting over Swisscom. The part "SMTP-Kommunikation mit dem E-Mail-Server des Empfängers" is not true either (the recipient mailserver was never involved) - that is admittetly an exchange fault. Except for a phone number which the NDR's recipient sees and is likely unknown, there is no reference to Swisscom anywhere, causing unnecessary support cases at the wrong place.
Normally, Swisscom marketing likes to put their brand name wherever they can, so at least be consistent and put it in those messages where it actually helps ;-) . In addition, including a link to a FAQ explaining this behaviour would be fair to the users which are obviously not informed about these new measures.
Regards, Oli Schacher