well, my command line whois client is enough for me ,-) i'm a shell user
what's the advantage of a jabber client?
does he support the ripe flags? (-r, -M, -l, -i origin, etc?)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: swinog-bounces(a)lists.swinog.ch
> [mailto:swinog-bounces@lists.swinog.ch] On Behalf Of Marco Balmer
> Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 1:00 PM
> To: swinog(a)swinog.ch
> Subject: RE: [swinog] ripe ip query bot via jabber
> Hello @ all
> > not xml, but you may use the ripe database (whois).
> > http://www.ripe.net/db/index.html
> This is the bot jid:
> whois.ripe.net(a)swissjabber.ch
> Test it and let me know.
> Cheers
> Marco
> --
> http://web.swissjabber.ch xmpp: micressor(a)swissjabber.ch
> _______________________________________________
> swinog mailing list
> swinog(a)lists.swinog.ch
> http://lists.swinog.ch/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/swinog
not xml, but you may use the ripe database (whois).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: swinog-bounces(a)lists.swinog.ch
> [mailto:swinog-bounces@lists.swinog.ch] On Behalf Of Marco Balmer
> Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 11:51 AM
> To: swinog(a)swinog.ch
> Subject: [swinog] ripe ip query bot via jabber
> Hello@all
> I would like to write an ip address query bot for the jabber network.
> Is there an xml-interface for ripe.net available?
> Thx for infos
> Marco
> --
> http://web.swissjabber.ch xmpp: micressor(a)swissjabber.ch
> _______________________________________________
> swinog mailing list
> swinog(a)lists.swinog.ch
> http://lists.swinog.ch/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/swinog
I would like to write an ip address query bot for the jabber network.
Is there an xml-interface for ripe.net available?
Thx for infos
http://web.swissjabber.ch xmpp: micressor(a)swissjabber.ch
Funny, but you had a different point of view some time ago...
I quote:
" It's usually considered O.k. to
- ask for or sell ISP related hardware (routers, switches, firewalls etc.)"
I don't want to polemic, but maybe it would be necessary to clarify this point.
|-----Message d'origine-----
|De : swinog-bounces(a)lists.swinog.ch [mailto:swinog-bounces@lists.swinog.ch]
|De la part de Viktor Steinmann
|Envoyé : jeudi, 2. mars 2006 12:32
|À : swinog(a)swinog.ch
|Objet : Re: [swinog] Cisco parts for sale..
|> sorry for this kind of spam..
|You know that it's spam and you still do it?
|Sorry, but you're a moron.
|(I said "sorry", so it doesn't matter)
|Let's ban this guy and get back to busines...
|swinog mailing list
Thank you for your email.
I will be out of office until 6th March 2006.
In urgent cases, please contact our support department on 0848 000 627 or support(a)netstream.ch.
Best regards,
Marc Michel
well, spamcop is something you might have to reconsider...
too much crap ;-)
use it only for additional spamassassin scoring...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: swinog-bounces(a)lists.swinog.ch
> [mailto:swinog-bounces@lists.swinog.ch] On Behalf Of Marco Balmer
> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:29 AM
> To: swinog(a)swinog.ch
> Subject: [swinog] good and bad blacklists?
> Hello,
> Has everyone experiences with good and bad blacklists for
> mail-servers?
> For the moment I use the following three:
> relays.ordb.org
> sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org
> bl.spamcop.net
> Thx
> Marco
> _______________________________________________
> swinog mailing list
> swinog(a)lists.swinog.ch
> http://lists.swinog.ch/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/swinog
Thank you for your email.
I will be out of office until 6th March 2006.
In urgent cases, please contact our support department on 0848 000 627 or support(a)netstream.ch.
Best regards,
Marc Michel
Thank you for your email.
I will be out of office until 6th March 2006.
In urgent cases, please contact our support department on 0848 000 627 or support(a)netstream.ch.
Best regards,
Marc Michel