hi all
sorry, i'm quite late and reservation deadline is friday ,-(
but next monday is the next planned beer event (just aside TIX) ,-)
the facts for the next event:
Date: 19th of February 2007
Time: starting around 18.30 o'clock
Location: @ the "Don Weber" (Hardstrasse 316, Near TIX). It's between
the Escher-Wys Platz and the Cinemax.
Registration deadline: Friday, 16.02.2007 21:00:00
Please register here: http://swinog.mrmouse.ch/ Since we have to make
reservations, i need to know who's coming and who not.
If you cannot attend and you're registered please inform me asap.
Important: If someone cannot find us: call me on my mobile: 079 / 277 92
Hello everybody !
A new Geneva Beer Event is under preparation !
Attendees can still for about 1 week give their date
preference on : http://www.doodle.ch/dpK24dP43J2d
The place would be the same as the last time : the Moloko bar,
inside L'Usine.
I guess we should organize a vote, once the date will
be fixed, to know how many people would get dinner.
By any chance someone in ZRH having an Intel based server lying around
which is not needed anymore?
Looking for something like P4 3GHz with 1 - 2GB RAM and SATA bays...
Have to offer a WS-C3524-PWR-XL-EN in exchange as it is too noisy for
powering my Cisco phones at home...says my wife (o;
Hello swinogers,
does anyone know if there is a way, with cacti, to use
different RRA settings for different RRD archive?
I've only found one global "template" for the whole cacti
installation, and sometimes I would like to setup some RRD
to keep one month of 5minutes sampled data, but it doesnt
seem to be possible to have differents RRA templates.
Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
What is special about, and what swinog do
Latest from the world of gadgets and gizmos
Just received the following after opening a ticket.
Business Support <BusinessSupport(a)sunrise.net> schrieb am 01 Feb 2007:
> Dear Mister Uk
> The filtering was installed during a Planed Work for security reason. -
> However, it turned out to be too strong. - Our techincians are currently
> working on revokeing it.
> ICMP from and to your equipment should be back in the next hours.
> We are sorry to have you caused such troubles.
> For any further questions do not hesitate to call us ( +41 43 556 00
> 50).
> Best regards,
> Sigrid Attinger
> Senior Technical Support Agent
> sunrise
> TDC Switzerland AG
> Network
> P.O. Box
> 8050 Zurich
> Phone: +41 58 777 68 40
> Fax: +41 58 777 71 42
> sigrid.attinger(a)sunrise.net
> www.sunrise.ch
> Privileged/confidential information may be contained in this message. If
> you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for
> delivery of the message to any such person), you may not copy or deliver
> this message to anyone. In such case, you should destroy this message
> and kindly notify the sender by reply e-mail. Please advise immediately
> if you or your employer does not consent to the receipt of Internet
> e-mail for messages of this kind. Opinions, conclusions and other
> information in this message that do not relate to the official business
> of the company shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it.
| Anthony Uk | dataway GmbH | Tel. +41 44 299 9988 |
| uk(a)dataway.ch | Hohlstrasse 216 | Fax +41 44 299 9989 |
| PGP key ID 10DE1D2C | CH-8023 Zuerich | http://www.dataway.ch |
For info about ICMP use vs security issues:
Jean-Christophe Varaillon
The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential. It is intended solely for the attention and use of the named addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, or person responsible for delivering this information to the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately. Unless you are the intended recipient or his/her representative you are not authorized to, and must not, read, copy, distribute, use or retain this message or any part of it. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses.
I know there are quite a few sysops here so if you have some time
please complete this survey: http://inform.epfl.ch/?
Thanks, Greg
Hallo liebe Swinogler,
seit einigen Tagen haben wir ein eigenartiges Problem und ich bin mit meinem
Latein langsam am Ende.
Zwischendurch (wie auch gestern um ca. 22:30) starten unsere Router neu.
Zuerst hab ich an ein Problem mit dem Memory gedacht, aber die Auslastung
ist immer gleich gross und auch die CPU-Auslastung ist immer im Rahmen. Dann
ist mir aufgefallen, das es mit dem BGP zutun haben muss, da von diesem
Phänomen nur BGP-Router betroffen sind.
Im Log steht leider auch nichts brauchbares, nur mit "show version" bekomme
ich eine Meldung, nur kann ich mit dieser nicht wirklich viel anfangen:
"System returned to ROM by bus error at PC 0x42C0DEA0, address 0xB0D0B0D at
22:20:48 CET Mon Jan 29 2007"
Hat einer unter Euch dasselbe Problem schon mal erlebt oder vielleicht ein
Tipp, in welche Richtung ich noch suchen könnte?
Vielen Dank!
Antares Kommunikationstechnik
Mathias Lüber
Loorenstrasse 2
CH-8340 Hinwil
Tel. ++41 (0)44 937 19 31
Fax ++41 (0)44 938 19 31
Mobile ++41 (0)79 709 81 00
Email: mathias.lueber(a)antanet.ch
Web: www.antanet.ch