hi all
here is the announcement for the 51th beer event. ,-)
please keep in mind for the pumpstation: i need to make a reservation.
so register and be punctual otherwise your seat is gone.
the facts for the next event:
Date: 16th of July 2007
Time: starting around 18.30 o'clock
Location: @lake in restaurant "Pumpstation"
(see image; www.pumpstation.ch)
On Bad weather (will be communicated on the same day
around noon)
we go to the "Outback" Bahnhof Stadelhofen
Registration deadline: 15.07.2007 23:00:00
Please register here: http://swinog.mrmouse.ch/ since we have to make
reservations, i need to know who's coming and who not. If you cannot
attend and you're registered please inform me asap.
My company is also hiring in several countries including Switzerland (o;
We are looking for (Switzerland):
- General Project Managers (IT/IP)
- CCIE Consultants
- Wireless Consultants
Please contact me offlist if you're interested or you know someone
who might be...
COLT is looking for two IP Service Delivery engineers whose main role
is to plan and implement IP and VPN services on the COLT IP/MPLS
Main requirements (summary):
- good Cisco technology and routing+switching know-how (BGP, OSPF,
IS-IS, MPLS, etc). One position requires CCNP certification, for
the second one a CCNA/CCNP level is a plus
- basics in telco/transport protocols (SDH, PDH, ATM/FR, Ethernet, etc)
- a technical experience of at least 3 to 5 years at a telco/SP/large
IT company (i.e. good understanding of Internet protocols and
administrative procedures with RIPE and NICs)
- UNIX/*BSD/Linux knowledge is a plus
- fluent in German and English (French is a plus)
- able to work in a fast paced environment
The position is in our Zurich office.
Please contact <selina dot zogg at colt dot net> if interested.
Senior Manager - Network Engineering/Security - COLT Telecom
e:(nico@securite.org) w:<http://www.securite.org/nico/>
Help! I've received ~10 of these so far!
--- lists.nik(a)nts.ch wrote:
From: Nik Hug <lists.nik(a)nts.ch>
To: swinog(a)swinog.ch
Subject: [swinog] remember swinog 14 - project DNS Blockade
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 01:17:28 +0200
Good Morning
For me it was always just a question of time until they try to use (or
abuse) "the list" to block "other" unwanted "content" (please note the
double quote)
I don't care about a torrent tracker - but I care now even more about
free speech and the risks such "tools" bring with them. Especially if
they are operating without proper legal an democratic legitimation -
compiled by some policemen sharing information only with services from
other "free" nations ...
let's bet how long it will take untill we have a similiar case here in
Switzerland? Madame la juge where are you?
swinog mailing list
Good Morning
For me it was always just a question of time until they try to use (or
abuse) "the list" to block "other" unwanted "content" (please note the
double quote)
I don't care about a torrent tracker - but I care now even more about
free speech and the risks such "tools" bring with them. Especially if
they are operating without proper legal an democratic legitimation -
compiled by some policemen sharing information only with services from
other "free" nations ...
let's bet how long it will take untill we have a similiar case here in
Switzerland? Madame la juge where are you?
Hi all.
Something for the weekend and for people with powerful hardware:
No, it's not a bitmap, it's pure html.
CU, Venty
Hey! I don't wanna go to work today! Wanna stay home and play
on my videogame!
Oh! Think how cool this could be, to go on a killing spree
and fight for virtual fame!
: /me also wonders when "ISP's" start to drop those
: silly ICMP filters which are really far from helpful
: when trying to debug issues.
Use tcptraceroute instead.
--- robert(a)guentensperger.org wrote:
From: <robert(a)guentensperger.org>
To: <swinog(a)swinog.ch>
Subject: AW: AW: [swinog] Route of the day
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 17:04:35 +0200
I still don't see the problem.
Where and when can you have such a round-trip for free?
Go at the "Zuerifaescht" and you will have to pay quite a lot for a much
shorter ride.
PS: As Stanislav wrote, it's still below 30 hops.
Happy weekend,
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: swinog-bounces(a)lists.swinog.ch [mailto:swinog-bounces@lists.swinog.ch]
Im Auftrag von Jeroen Massar
Gesendet: Freitag, 6. Juli 2007 16:58
An: swinog(a)swinog.ch
Betreff: Re: AW: [swinog] Route of the day
internet(a)guentensperger.org wrote:
> Where's the problem?
> Your traffic reaches with Hop 3 already Zurich...
Maybe the part where it takes another 600ms+ to actually reach the final
destination in Switzerland again? :)
> 22 i79zhb-005-pos4-0.bb.ip-plus.net ( 654.770 ms *
> i00nye-005-pos5-2.bb.ip-plus.net ( 657.152 ms
> 23 * * *
> 24 tge3-3.bwrt1inb.bluewin.ch ( 661.318 ms * *
> 25 * * *
> 26 * * *
Instead of the 8ms to reach that same host from the other trace.
/me also wonders when "ISP's" start to drop those silly ICMP filters
which are really far from helpful when trying to debug issues.
swinog mailing list