this is to share with you that I am experiencing a ddos attack for a webserver I manage.
It is a Drupal/PHP/Nginx platform that is flooded with GET requests such as:
GET /es/search?f%5B0%5D=language%3Aes&f%5B1%5D=regions%3A4490&f%5B2%5D=regions%3A4511&f%5B3%5D=regions%3A4538&f%5B4%5D=regions%3A4556&f%5B5%5D=regions%3A4567&f%5B6%5D=regions%3A4593&f%5B7%5D=regions%3A4601&f%5B8%5D=regions%3A4603&f%5B9%5D=regions%3A4620&f%5B10%5D=regions%3A4631&f%5B11%5D=regions%3A4674&f%5B12%5D=type_of_content%3A4697&f%5B13%5D=type_of_content%3A4710&f%5B14%5D=type_of_content%3A4857&f%5B15%5D=type_of_content%3A4862&f%5B16%5D=type_of_content%3A4943&f%5B17%5D=type_of_content%3A6249&f%5B18%5D=type_of_content%3A6423&f%5B19%5D=wcc_programmes%3A4882&f%5B20%5D=wcc_programmes%3A4893
It targets the search module which does not cache the data and means resource impact.
This involves more than 12'000 individual ip addresses, spread over CN, IN, KO, MX, and US.
A list of the subnet part involved can be found here[0].
(list is of course gorwing over time, attack is not over and spread of hosts continue)
I plan to further investigate the networks involved, how likely they are cloud nodes or infected hosts for instance.
I am on the AS3303/Swisscom BTW.
Is anyone experiencing such traffic?
This is not huge in terms of bw, but scaled adequately to eat servers cpu resources.
[0] https://www.mbuf.net/files/f/ebbc54f52b564824bf5e/
|_|0|_| Julien MABILLARD - Matrix: @jma:matrix.mbuf.net - XMPP: jma(a)tls.mbuf.net
|_|_|0| OpenPGP fingerprint: 1E47 513E 8B00 8BC5 E874 23E4 54A4 32FB 260A 2D41
|0|0|0| ssb: @O7yM/4Y0Jcp1uZToeis2AKApyOvb8ZHkoXuAh0wPcAM=.ed25519
Happy new Year.
If anyone from AS9009 Zurich NOC reads this list. Please contact me off
list about a more serious incident involving some of your IP Addresses.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
-Benoît Panizzon- @ HomeOffice und normal erreichbar
I m p r o W a r e A G - Leiter Commerce Kunden
Zurlindenstrasse 29 Tel +41 61 826 93 00
CH-4133 Pratteln Fax +41 61 826 93 01
Schweiz Web http://www.imp.ch
Dear list
Happy new Year!
We want to let you know that the the .ch zone file, containing all delegated .ch domain names, is publicly available for download. Access is limited by Article 10(1)(a)(6) of the Ordinance on Internet Domains for combating cybercrime, scientific and social research or for other purposes in the public interest.
Details, on how to access the file are available here: https://swit.ch/zonedata, and I also wrote a blogpost https://securityblog.switch.ch/2020/11/18/dot_ch_zone_is_open_data/.
If you have any feedback or do anything interesting with the data, please share.
Michael Hausding,
Competence Lead DNS & Domain Abuse
Werdstrasse 2, P.O. Box, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland
phone +41 44 268 15 77, incident phone +41 44 268 15 40
Dear List
Today we received several delisting request for URI's and IP Addresses
somehow associated with Newsletters sent by 'Rocketmails.ch'.
The listings were caused during the last 14 days or so by multiple
customers reporting those emails as spam and claiming not having
subscribed, nor being a customer of the advertising company.
And I guess I can figure out why...
Quote: "Sie erhalten dieses Mailing, weil Sie sich bei unseren
Aktionsseiten oder der unserer Werbepartner mit der Email-Adresse
XXXX eingetragen haben."
There is no mention of WHAT partner or WHAT website they allegedly
subscribed. So that could also explain that they don't know the
company whose products are advertised via Rocketmails. So for the
recipient this is just spam.
Anyone else seeing these and knowing more about how the transfer of
such personal data happens between those partner and what kind of
partners those are?
So far no spamtrap hits, so this does not look like harvested addresses.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
-Benoît Panizzon- @ HomeOffice und normal erreichbar
I m p r o W a r e A G - Leiter Commerce Kunden
Zurlindenstrasse 29 Tel +41 61 826 93 00
CH-4133 Pratteln Fax +41 61 826 93 01
Schweiz Web http://www.imp.ch
Hi all,
If someone is close to a city or a provider having experiences with
Swiss4Net , can you please contact me directly.
Félix Curinga
Guten Abend zusammen,
wer mit Interconnection - sei es Colo, IXP oder Netzbetreiber - zu tun
hat, dem ist PeeringDB ein Begriff und die gehört zum Toolset. Bitte
lasst uns daher eure Meinung wissen.
Buona sera a tutti,
Chiunque si occupi di interconnessione, sia esso Colo, IXP o operatore
di rete, conosce PeeringDB ed è parte del set di strumenti. Quindi per
favore fateci sapere cosa ne pensate.
Bonsoir à tous,
Quiconque s'occupe de l'interconnexion - que ce soit Colo, IXP ou
opérateur de réseau - connaît PeeringDB et fait partie de l'ensemble
d'outils. Alors faites-nous savoir ce que vous en pensez.
Good evening everyone,
Anyone who deals with interconnection - be it Colo, IXP or network
operator - is familiar with PeeringDB and it is part of your toolset. So
please let us know what you think.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [PDB Announce] PeeringDB Satisfaction Survey
Datum: Mon, 2 Nov 2020 07:55:40 -0800
Von: Leo Vegoda <leo(a)peeringdb.com>
An: pdb-announce(a)lists.peeringdb.com
We want input from network operators, exchange operators, facility
providers, content distributors and anyone who uses our
interconnection database. This year we are running an anonymous
satisfaction survey in addition to the usual feedback gathering we
The survey will be available here:
until 23:59 UTC on 20 November 2020.
We would like your feedback to help us make PeeringDB more useful to
everyone involved in connecting networks.This survey will help us
understand what is important to you and how satisfied you are with
what we are doing. We will use your responses to focus our product
roadmap on the improvements that will make things better for you. If
you have specific comments or suggestions, we’d love you to leave them
along with your ratings.
This is the first survey we are making available in multiple
languages. In this survey we are using the six UN languages for the
questions. That said, we’re happy with people providing free text
comments in another whichever language they are happiest expressing
We’ll share the results and the new product roadmap early in 2021.
Leo Vegoda on behalf of PeeringDB ProductCom
Pdb-announce mailing list
Keep calm, keep distance, keep connected!
Arnold Nipper
email: arnold(a)nipper.de
mobile: +49 172 2650958
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [uknof] PeeringDB Satisfaction Survey
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2020 10:29:01 -0800
From: Leo Vegoda <leo(a)vegoda.org>
To: uknof(a)lists.uknof.org.uk
PeeringDB is a non-profit, freely available, user-maintained, database
of networks, and the go-to location for interconnection data. The
database facilitates the global interconnection of networks at
Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), data centers, and other
interconnection facilities, and is the first stop in making
interconnection decisions.
We want input from network operators, exchange operators, facility
providers, content distributors and anyone who uses our
interconnection database. This year we are running an anonymous
satisfaction survey in addition to the usual feedback gathering we
The survey will be available here:
until 23:59 UTC on 20 November 2020.
We would like your feedback to help us make PeeringDB more useful to
everyone involved in connecting networks.This survey will help us
understand what is important to you and how satisfied you are with
what we are doing. We will use your responses to focus our product
roadmap on the improvements that will make things better for you. If
you have specific comments or suggestions, we’d love you to leave them
along with your ratings.
This is the first survey we are making available in multiple
languages. In this survey we are using the six UN languages for the
questions. That said, we’re happy with people providing free text
comments in another whichever language they are happiest expressing
We’ll share the results and the new product roadmap early in 2021.
Leo Vegoda on behalf of PeeringDB ProductCom
If you have an LIR account you would like to close before the end of the
year, pay attention to this email.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [ncc-announce] [news] LIR Account closure? Notify us by 1 December
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2020 13:38:00 +0100 (CET)
From: henriette(a)ripe.net
To: ncc-announce(a)ripe.net
Dear RIPE NCC members,
We would like to inform you that a request to close an LIR account or
any request that will result in the closure of an LIR account should be
submitted in full before 1 December 2020. This includes closures that
result from policy transfers and changes in business structures. Any
requests submitted after this date mean that you could be invoiced for 2021.
The request should contain all the requested information and documents
in order for the RIPE NCC to process it before the end of the year. An
overview of the required documents can be found at:
For requests resulting in the closure of an LIR account that are
submitted later than 1 December 2020, or requests that are incomplete,
we can not guarantee that the LIR account will be closed before 31
December 2020. Invoices for 2021 will be issued for LIR accounts still
open on 1 January 2021.
Best Regards,
Henriette van Ingen Registry Services Assistant Manager RIPE NCC
Hi Community
A website (no imprint, domain registered via anonymous proxy), which
allegedly breaks some copyright laws, is proxied by CloudFlare.
CloudFlare got a DMCA take-down notice from an attorney and replied to
the attorney, that the site in question is hosted at AS6772, ImproWare
AG, but did not tell the attorney the IP Address (nor the customer
which could have been looked up via RIPE).
Cloudflare also contacted us and told the IP Address. I contacted the
customer in question. He states he has nothing to do with that website
(I might be tempted to doubt this statement, it could be a customer of
the customer who is involved...).
But I cannot verify: I have no access to the logs of our customer's
Server. I have no access to the proxy logs @ Cloudflare.
The attorney is now getting a bit impatient and considers filing a
legal complaint against us to have us 'solve the issue'.
So I contact Cloudflare as they must have a customer who ordered said
proxy service with them and probably pays for it. Cloudflare could
handle the issue themself, directly at the source, knowing the paying
I quickly got the reply, that they are not responsible for content
hosted by their customer, therefore they relay complaints to the ISP in
charge of the IP address in question.
That is a bit weird.... isn't it?
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
-Benoît Panizzon- @ HomeOffice und normal erreichbar
I m p r o W a r e A G - Leiter Commerce Kunden
Zurlindenstrasse 29 Tel +41 61 826 93 00
CH-4133 Pratteln Fax +41 61 826 93 01
Schweiz Web http://www.imp.ch