Hello Together
Sorry for using this list for this purpose. But as we search someone who
maybe has ISP background, I thought this could be of interest for you.
You may contact me off-list for more information.
Kind regards and have all a nice day
At home I have a cablecom consumer connection and it broke yesterday
at around 11pm. I tried to call the 0800 668866 hotline but it seems
it's .. well, hot :) because I get network busy when calling and every
now and again I can traverse the call center menu but phone calls hang
after a few minutes (before I speak to a human).
Perhaps others have seen troubles in the Eden of Cablecom? Symptoms
are: dhcpd at gives out net-10 ( and if I
change my local mac I get another rfc1918 address. The head is up and
I see arp traffic on the ethernet, but otherwise IP is not possible.
Cool hack-fact: until I reset the modem this morning, established
traffic (by pf statefull firewall on my home router) was live and
kicking, just new sessions would not be established. I'm pretty sure
cablecom is at fault, but I can't seem to reach them to talk.
Can somebody confirm? Are there other contacts I can try?
Pim van Pelt <pim(a)ipng.nl>
PBVP1-RIPE - http://www.ipng.nl/
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Xaver Aerni [mailto:xaerni@pop.ch]
Gesendet: Samstag, 12. Dezember 2009 11:36
An: 'Pim van Pelt'
Betreff: AW: [swinog] cablecom 8306 problems?
Hello, Pim,
Test this remove your Modem for min. 15 Min. from CC Network.
( HF Cable and Power) After 15 Minutes reboot them. If it
doen't work the CC has a Problem in the DHCP Authoisations
Database for your Modem.
The Adress is an internal System Adress. Every
Modem receive an internal Adress like 10.X.x.X But the modem
is coneccting to Dogsis and if your modem are authoisated you
will receive a PA Adress of CC DHCP Pool. For the PC or Router.
> > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> > Von: swinog-bounces(a)lists.swinog.ch
> > [mailto:swinog-bounces@lists.swinog.ch] Im Auftrag von Pim van Pelt
> > Gesendet: Samstag, 12. Dezember 2009 10:43
> > An: swinog(a)swinog.ch
> > Betreff: [swinog] cablecom 8306 problems?
> >
> > Hoi,
> >
> > At home I have a cablecom consumer connection and it broke
> yesterday
> > at around 11pm. I tried to call the 0800 668866 hotline but
> it seems
> > it's .. well, hot :) because I get network busy when
> calling and every
> > now and again I can traverse the call center menu but phone
> calls hang
> > after a few minutes (before I speak to a human).
> >
> > Perhaps others have seen troubles in the Eden of Cablecom? Symptoms
> > are: dhcpd at gives out net-10 ( and if I
> > change my local mac I get another rfc1918 address. The head
> is up and
> > I see arp traffic on the ethernet, but otherwise IP is not possible.
> >
> > Cool hack-fact: until I reset the modem this morning, established
> > traffic (by pf statefull firewall on my home
> > router) was live and kicking, just new sessions would not be
> > established. I'm pretty sure cablecom is at fault, but I
> can't seem to
> > reach them to talk.
> >
> > Can somebody confirm? Are there other contacts I can try?
> >
> > Groet,
> > Pim
> >
> > --
> > Pim van Pelt <pim(a)ipng.nl>
> > PBVP1-RIPE - http://www.ipng.nl/
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > swinog mailing list
> > swinog(a)lists.swinog.ch
> > http://lists.swinog.ch/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/swinog
> >
It's again about two weeks we wait for the UPC Austria Mailserver Techs to
solve a problem. Unfortunately UPC Austria seams to have fallen deaf again,
so I hope some techs from CC or UPC Austria read this list and could try to
find out what goes wrong with solving that problem.
I had a tech from Austria telling me they had found the reason why they are
mailbombing our customers.
After the Mail 'DATA Termination' according to: rfc2821
Section: Timeouts
A sending Server should wait 10 Minutes for the OK.
UPC Austria has reduced that timeout to something under 90seconds.
Our Servers do check for Spam and Viruses during that Data Termination phase
so the can reject such emails on the fly.
90 seconds just is not long enough for big emails from CC customers hitting
our servers when they are a bit busy.
So UPC keeps resending those big emails filling up our disks and the mail
quotas of several of our customers.
I doubt we are the only ISP which since is being mailbombed...
So if somebody from UPC Austria or Cablecom who could do something is reading
this list, please tell the responsible mail techs that the problem still
persists and that I'm still waiting for feedback.
We tell all our affected customers to tell the sender (which are Cablecom
customers) to contact their customer hotline, but we get feedback that the
cablecom customer hotline does not manage to get that problem solved either.
Kind regards
Benoit Panizzon
I m p r o W a r e A G - Leiter IT Customer Care
Zurlindenstrasse 29 Tel +41 61 826 93 07
CH-4133 Pratteln Fax +41 61 826 93 02
Schweiz Web http://www.imp.ch
Hi all.
For a test, we need a version of Solaris 8, but since it is EOL,
it is not downloadable anymore. Does someone still have the ISOs
laying around, so that I could grab a copy?
CU, Venty
Verpassen Sie nicht den neuen Hackerfunk am 2. Januar 2010.
Wie immer von 19:00 bis 20:00 Uhr auf Radio LoRa in Zuerich.
Just a quick info: Init7 had to migrate the ML server.
Some stuff is not yet really working, but they are working hard on it.
So, if your mail is not going thru, please be patient ,-)
(and yes: this is also a test-mail)
Just a quick info: Init7 had to migrate the ML server.
Some stuff is not yet really working, but they are working hard on it.
So, if your mail is not going thru, please be patient ,-)
Dear swinoggers
Does anybody of you know if it is possible to setup a static route on a
THOMSON TG787v (VTX)? (And if I would of course appreciate to know how...)
I just got of the phone with vtx customer support, and after trying to
explain what a static route is for the last 15 minutes I gave up...
regards andre