> Whom does the RSS feed serve the most? Surely not the active
> part of the SwiNOG-Community. Those guys can just as well
> read the mails and answer to random topics they feel the need to.
> RSS does not give you that possibility, you're readonly. A
> perfect excuse to just consume and give nothing back
> (information that is). I don't like that idea.
full ack.
> Mail is as easy and flexible that it's even readable on a
> cell phone or an old-fart PDA. Just because some of you have
> a shiny new Ogo or Mulberry (whatchamacallit?) does not mean
> everyone wants to replace his Palm IIIx now.
another ack.
> Finally, HTML-Mails with Flash and JavaScript do go the same
> way, so don't even think about coming up with THAT!
final ack.