Hi there!
It may be off-topic, but i wanna give it a try since this may be a webserver
(Apache) configuration issue.
One of our web developers is running crazy about the following situation:
He has a php script that delivers a pdf file to the customer. The customer
has the choice to "open" (in browser windows) or "save as..." (a file on the
local disk).
The php script declares the data stream as application/octet-stream to force
the "open" / "save as..." dialog box in IE. When klicking "save as", the
file is stored correctly to the disk. When "open"ing it, acrobat reader
opens and tells "unable to finde the file".
Changing the mime-type to application/pdf results in the pdf being opened
correctly in the browser window, but the user has no "save as" prompt.
Any ideas?
Thank you & best wishes,