As pointed out by Daniel, the original issue was caused by a listing of this IP on Spamhaus SBL and Bluewin does in fact use Spamhaus as a RBL provider and has done so for quite some time.

As to the "DNSNULL" part of the error message, this was caused by an issue in the lookup of the appropriate delisting URL. The request in question has been fixed now and will provide proper answers again.


Sorry for the inconvenience.






From: <> On Behalf Of Andreas Fink
Sent: Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2019 11:33
Subject: [swinog] bluewin & DNSNULL



Does any one have a clue what DNSNULL means in the following context of a mail delivery error?



 <> ( 554 vim Swisscom AG IP:, You are not allowed 
to send us mail. Please see DNSNULL if you feel this is in error
)Reporting-MTA: dns;
Arrival-Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2019 11:19:58 +0200




Andreas Fink


Paradieshofstrasse 101, 4054 Basel, Switzerland

Mobile: +41-78-6677333 Office: +41-61-6666330 Home: +41-61-6666345

Skype: andreasfink   Jabber/XMPP:    ICQ: 8239353

Twitter: @kiwi66  PGP Key:
